
Average nut quality of test trees from year 1 to 20.

# Nuts / lb. % Kernel Kernel quality breakdown Specific gravity Harvest Date
   % Fancy % Standard % Amber     
66 52% 19% 30% 3% .80 Oct. 31



A seedling named by S.A. Robinson of Orlando, FL. (Thompson and Young, 1985).


'Robinson' is a classic example of a cultivar that produces well-filled nuts as a young tree, but begins to alternate as a mature tree with a resulting decline in quality. In addition this cultivar has the latest maturity of any cultivar in this orchard. This cultivar is not recommended.

Production record of test trees beginning in year planted

'Robinson' production from the Ponder Variety Grove test. Each colored line represents the yearly production in pounds of nuts from an individual tree beginning the year planted.*Note the extreme alternate bearing cycle of these trees.

Alternate Bearing Intensity = 0.84