Western Schley

Average nut quality of test trees from year 1 to 20.
# Nuts / lb. | % Kernel | Kernel quality breakdown | Specific gravity | Harvest Date | ||
% Fancy | % Standard | % Amber | ||||
73 | 53% | 21% | 25% | 6% | .76 | Oct. 16 |
'Western Schley' was a seedling discovered in San Saba, Tx. in 1895.
Western Schley' is the most widely planted pecan in the southwestern region. 'Western Schley' produces a small, high-quality nut and is very productive in its home region. However, its small nut size and extreme susceptibility to scab make it unsuitable for use in the Southeast. Many years we lose the entire crop to scab even with a full spray program.
Production record of test trees beginning in year planted
'Western Schley' production from the Ponder Variety Grove test. Each colored line represents the yearly production in pounds of nuts from an individual tree beginning the year planted.
Alternate Bearing Intensity = 0.72